
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spent a week in St Marks, it is a simple living on the water, town. Not much to do, but we enjoyed the time. We ate at a local restaurant called Riverside (go figure). The food was good and service excellent, thanks to Angel, Linda and Janet. They also provided live music on Fri., Sat., & Sun. Friday the generator was delivered, so Dicky and Mike began putting it back together.
All went well. Sat we spent the day preparing to leave. Left early and hit the gulf heading for Steinhatchee. We had 3 ft. seas and Mike said steep chop. Sometimes it was like riding a rocking horse. Got into Steinhatchee River around 6:30pm looking for anchorage, when we noticed a lady standing on her dock. She hollered, where y'all heading? We explained and she offered us to tie at her dock for the night. Come to find out she and her husband (deceased) were avid sailors years ago. Her name is Rhoda Moehrings and long time citizen of Steinhatchee. Dixie called her a guardian angel. Dixie and Lu decided they wanted to spent the next day there and the men went along with that. Back in Apalachicola Dixie an Lu figured they would buy a charm at each stopping point or should I say shopping point, so off they went following a good nights rest. Dicky came along with us, while Mike stayed at the boat and got the bikes back in working order. Salt air sure can mess things up. We met up with Rhoda that afternoon and she kindly drove us around town and to a small waterfall up the river. We returned and went walking some more and went into this wood shop. We met the owner appropriately named Stickman. He was really interesting to listen to. Went back to the boat and both bikes were on the pier so Mike and Lu took a ride around town, before the no-see-ums came out. Did I tell y'all about the no-see-ums. OMG they are horrible. I will take our mosquitoes any day at least you can see them.
The net day we were off to Crystal River not much to say. The seas were real calm an enjoyed the ride. We anchored in what Dixie called an anchor city, went to bed. The next morning we went get fuel at Pete's Pier and met a nice young lady by the name of Cassie. She said her boy friend was from Lake Charles (small world). She was very friendly and gave us good information. Then headed out for Tarpon Springs. The water was beautiful, Dixie sat on the front of her boat almost all day. Dicky even walked up to the front to see what all the excitement was about. Lu went back and forth, front to back. there was so much to see, due to the water looking like a swimming pool. Mike kept saying all day, if we had the time he would anchor and go snorkeling. Well, he kind of got his wish, he ran over a crab trap and the rope wrapped around the prop and stopped the engine. So into the water he went to cut the rope away. No damage to report, the engine started right up and we were off again. Made it to Tarpon Springs and the city marina, but this is another story yet to come. Hope all is well at the home-fronts. (Crowley and Lake Arthur). Will have another blog soon, now that we are back in the intracostal, we should have better signals.
Love Lu, Mike, Dixie, & Dickey (posting more pics and video)

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