
Saturday, March 12, 2011

We are still in Georgetown enjoying the activities of the 2 week regatta. Last night we went to chat n chill (a beach bar) and enjoyed some dancing. Yes, dancing. Mike had a good time. (I think) Today we dinghed over to the beach. I walked around shell hunting while Mike took a walk over the island to the sound to see the waves.  We are going into town around 4:30 to see what the final activity for the regatta, it is a variety show. With that there is a meal of ribs, slaw, and Mac n cheese. The Mac n cheese is made from scratch. It is quite good. I bought a week of wifi Thursday ($15.00 a week). We were able to speak to the kids with video. It was really great to see all of them. Well, computer battery is down. Will put pics tomorrow.