
Friday, February 25, 2011

We are in Black Point Settlement Bay. The people are so friendly here, but I have to say that has been the way since we have been in the Bahamas. Friday night we went to happy hour at a local bar. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Mike was really getting into those rum punches. I tried then, but they were too strong for me. Then last night we went to a Bahaman Buffet. They are a little different then the American buffets. On the menu was conch fritters, chicken wings, fried snapper, b-b-q ribs, along with rice n peas, Mac n cheese, steamed veggies and potato salad. It was all good. I’m thinking today we will jump into the dinghies and go explore. Mike had a big chore yesterday. On our way over here the edge of the solar panel came loose on one end. Thank goodness it didn’t fall off. He removed the panel and repaired it. Oh course with Mike; it’s better than it was brand new. Lol Found free wifi at a local restaurant and was able to Skype Christina and Jennifer. Got to see and talk to all four boys. Really enjoyed seeing everyone. Our next port of call (I believe) will be Emerald Bay. We here it’s a buck a foot a night (32 foot boat = $32.00) FREE electricity, water, laundry and wifi). The word FREE has become one of my favorite words. Lol. Well just talked to Ken from Release and they want to hall the bikes to shore and go explore by bike. So we will do that instead of by water. We’ll write later

Hugs n kisses

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We are here in Norman’s Pond Cay. The cold front came through at 3:30 this morning. Mike decided to sleep in the cock pit last night so he could be aware when the North wind came through. I think it woke everyone up in this anchorage. Boats were swinging in every direction, but there were no mishaps.

We will sit tight this weekend. Hopefully it will warm up a little. Mike & Ken want to snorkel in the pond. There is a sunken plane they want to visit. Come Monday Morning we will head to Exuma Park.