
Friday, June 25, 2010

Left Cocoa Beach Saturday Morning and ended up in Titusville, where the Kennedy Space Center is located. Did not visit the KSC, we would like to go back by car in July once we have visited home for a couple of weeks. The town was not close by the anchorage, so we decided to stay on the boat that day and rest. Early that afternoon we noticed some people starting to congregate at a pavilion on shore. They had a pa system playing instrumental music, when all of a sudden we heard the tune "HERE COMES THE BRIDE". It was like we were there, we had audio and looked at the ceremony thru the binoculars (just kidding). We did look one time, to see what the bride was wearing. The wind was in the right direction so we listened to the DJ perform the ceremony, sing and play music. Sunday morn. left for New Smyrna City Marina. Along the way we had to pass in a cut where the people stood on the shores and fished. (pic). We also got a pic of a manatee's tail. Don't laugh, these things are really hard to spot. Ronnie has been living in Fl for over 2 years and he just saw a manatee not to long ago.
Made it in 3 hours. It had an historical district, so we walked and found a nice little restaurant. Ate and walked some more. Went back to boat and sat in the cockpit watching the pelicans and egrets. (pics). I have a video of a snow egret on our bow line, checking out the fish. We called to rent a car for Monday and went get groceries. Then we headed to the ocean. (video). We also did some shopping in the little shops along the beach road. That night we found a seafood restaurant called Blackbeard. The food was good according to 3 of us. We headed to find the light house, but it was on the other side of the inlet. Once we returned to the marina, Mike started feeling bad. Dixie and Lu stayed up with him till 11 o'clock. He thinks the shrimp he ate were not good. (probably right). It was not a good night for him. Next morning the car was returned and off we went. Ended up at Palm Coast Marina. Hit the bed early and left early, while the tide was high. Ended up at St. Augustine. Headed to West Marine to search for a few parts. Next morning went roam through the historic district. (quite a few pics). Took video at night of light house and moon. Will write later. Love Mike and Lu, Dixie and Dicky

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