
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hi Y'all,
That's the slang here in Georgia. Well, we have relinquished our duty Saturday and it is just Mike & Lu again. The last 2 weeks of July we were entertained by one of our 4 grandsons. Each day we swan in the pool at the marina to release his energy. We went for boat rides, we rode bikes to St. Simons Island, shopped, fished, ate at restaurants, played cards, he played his PSP, and for the grand finale we rented a car and drove to Atlanta to the Georgia Aquarium. It was well worth going. Even Mike was impressed.
We are in Thunderbolt, which is right outside of Savannah, we have met up with Dixie and Dicky. We (all 4) took a little ride last night in our boat (ChrisJen), and took her back to the marina where we bought her (ChrisJen). The marina is about 4 miles up the Wilmington River. It was a nice ride with the sea breeze and the sunset.
We will be heading out this morning, heading (of course) north. I will keep up with the blog again. Sorry for the delay. xoxo, L&M & D&D

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