
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good Saturday Morning Family & Friends,

Remember the last post I told y'all I would get permission from Dixie to tell her story? Well I got it. so here goes. I believe it's one of those stories that you just had to be there, but I'll try. We (Lu, Mike, Dixie and Dicky) were heading back to the boat from Margaret's and Buddy's house after supper in Orange Beach, with Dixie driving. We were chatting and missed the rode to turn on so we decided to go Bear Point, which was just a few miles further. We all had wine except for Mike. So I guess we should have let him drive. We turned around and headed back to try and find the street sign so we could turn. It happened to be on the other side of the road so Dixie would move into the on coming traffic lane (with no cars coming, of course). When it wasn't the street she would get back in her lane. this was done about 4 or 5 times. All of a sudden there were red lights shining in the back. Yea you guessed it COPS. Now Dicky and Mike are holding half opened bottles of wine between their legs and Lu has a glass of wine in her hand. We pulled over and the cop told Dixie the reason he pulled us over was that we were swerving and doing 30 in a 55 mile an hour highway. Dixie is trying to talk and rummage through her purse for her license. Yea you guessed it NO LICENSE. And Lu is thinking Dixie quit talking before the officer can smell the wine on your breath. Dixie could only find her TWIC card ( it's a card the home land security issues to people who have to or want to go into ports being unexcorted, they do a background check on your life's history) She offered that to the officer and explained her license was left at the boat. He asked us if we were putting down the boomers. I'm sure by now most of you know what boomers are, if not they are the absorbers that are laid in the water for the oil spill. She replyed that we were just traveling. He took her TWIC card and ask her birth date, went back to his car returning in a few minutes. Well this you will never guess. He came back with the statement, Uh mam, do you realize you are driving a deceased womens car? Well that did it we all pop out laughing. Dixie said yes sir, this car belongs to a friend of ours whose wife just recently passed away. The officer was smiling by this time. Mike put the back window down and I noticed his last name was Long, which happened to be the same last name as Margaret and Buddy (where we just left from and remember I told y'all she wrote a book, well she just happened to autograph a copy and gave us each one) . Lu picked up the book and showed it to the officer and ask if he knew the Longs, because that is where we were coming from. Yea, you guessed it, NOT. he was from up in Tennessee. He asked what street we were looking for and told us it was 2 more down and to be safe. We left that KIND Officer Long and went on our way. Yea you guessed it, we MISSED the road AGAIN. We turned around and Thanked Officer Long one more time, cause he was following us and we made it back to the boat, laughing so much.
Needless to say my girls were not happy when I told them that story.
OK now for the update. We waited for D&D to catch up in Panama City,fueled up and headed further down the ICW. We found a nice little cove to anchor in. It was great, nice breeze, nice wine, and nice friends. Woke up the next day on our way to Port St. Joe. We pulled into a marina tied up and walked to a Piggley Wiggley and did some grocery shopping. Then we found a shrimp boat dock to tie up to had Mike grill some steaks and sausage. ummmm was delicious. D&D brought their chairs and sat on dock and visited. Then off to bed we went.

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